Saturday, July 3, 2010

Forgot about this thing.

Unfortunately I forgot I set up a blog for sewing! I've made several things, most I forgot to take any pictures of.
The very first thing I sewed was in a sewing class at our local sewing shop. They taught you how to make this patchwork quilt. Considering I had never used a machine before, I was very happy with how it turned out:


My first days of sewing after that looked like this:

The elephant was made from a taggie animal template I found on one of my favorite sewing blogs - Homemade by Jill. The elephant and unfinished bib were from my first few days sewing. There was still an unopened pack of receiving blankets in G's closet - so I made sure those didn't go to waste (obviously!) I also made a burp cloth or seven. She probably got 400 blog hits from me that week, I made a bunch of her projects! :) And wow, look at my sweet baby! That was about 4-5 months ago. He's so much bigger now!

That's all for now. I'll finish updating with pictures I do have later - then hopefully I can start adding some current projects. We've recently moved into our new house and I have a 1st birthday celebration coming up for one special little boy - there should be lots of sewing in my future!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas gift

My husband decided that he would buy me a sewing machine for Christmas. I'd wanted one for a few years, but never used one before. He did a little more research than I expected him to and spent a little more than anticipated. Now I feel all this pressure to be great. I've got a bunch of ideas of stuff I'd like to make -here's hoping I'll find the time with a new baby in our lives, too!